Thursday, February 28, 2008

Comparing RHCT and RHCE Certifications

Comparing RHCT and RHCE Certifications
1. (a) The RHCE Certificate:
The RHCE certificate is designed to fit in a specific place within the computer industry spectrum of UNIX/Linux user levels.
The RHCE Certificate is granted upon passing the RHCE Exam, a performance-based test on live equipment that measures actual competencies at server system administration, setup of networking services, and network security, and diagnostics and troubleshooting. The RHCE Exam can be taken alone as RH302 RHCE Exam (1-day) or as the final day of the RH300 RHCE Rapid Track course (5-days). RH300 consists of 4 days of intensive training, emphasizing hands-on lab workshops with realistic configuration and administration tasks using Red Hat Linux, plus the Certification Lab Exam on day 5.
(b) The RHCT Certificate:
The RHCT Certificate is granted upon passing the RHCT Exam, a performance-based test on live equipment that measures actual competencies at system administration, including installation and configuration of a Red Hat Linux system and attaching it to a live network running network services. The RHCT Exam can be taken on the final day of RH133 Red Hat Linux System Administration (4.5 days), or alone as RH202 RHCT Exam. The RHCT certificate may also be granted to those who take the RHCE Exam and pass all RHCT-specific competencies which are included in the RHCE Exam.
2. Goal of RHCE and RHCT Certification
The primary goal of RHCE and RHCT certification is to meet the demand of individuals and employers for useful metrics of individual skills and competencies with Red Hat Linux, the largest-selling distribution of Linux. The RHCE Program provides performance based certification at two critical job role levels: Technician (RHCT) and Engineer (RHCE).
RHCE and/or RHCT may be required for selected personnel employed at Red Hat channel partners, IHVs, ISVs, OEMs, and other partners, to provide meaningful assurance of standards.
3. Meaning of RHCE and RHCT Certification
RHCE or RHCT certification serve as a metric (hopefully one of many) of use to both individuals and employers to assess individual preparation and competency for key job roles involving Red Hat Linux computing.
(a) RHCE certification indicates that the person has passed a realistic performance-based lab exam that tests his/her ability to: install and configure Red Hat Linux; understand limitations of hardware; configure basic networking and file systems for a network; configure the X Window System; perform essential Red Hat Linux system administration; configure basic security for a network server; set up and manage common enterprise networking (IP) services for the organization, carry out server diagnostics and troubleshooting.
The readiness objective of RHCE is to assure standard level of systems and network administration skills so that a person is "ready from a technical point of view for professional responsibilities in setting up, configuring, and managing a Red Hat Linux server running common enterprise networking services and security."
(b) RHCT certification indicates that the person has passed a realistic performance-based lab exam that tests his/her ability to: install and configure Red Hat Linux; understand limitations of hardware; configure basic networking and file systems for a single system attached to a network; configure the X Window System; perform essential Red Hat Linux system administration; configure basic host security, set up client-side networking services required to attach to a production network, and carry out basic diagnostics and troubleshooting.
The readiness objective of RHCT is to assure a minimum level of systems administration skills so that a person is "ready from a technical point of view for professional responsibilities in installing, configuring, attaching, and supporting Red Hat Linux systems on an existing production network."
4. Certification in the context of professionalism
Becoming a successful technician or engineer requires years of experience in heterogenous, networked computing environments, coping with day-to-day issues, and developing best practices. This kind of experience does not result from taking one course or exam, but it can be measured during training and in a certification exam, especially if these are administered using hands-on exercises in a lab. That's why the RHCE and RHCT exams are lab-based, performance-based practical exams.
Red Hat is benchmarking the RHCE and RHCT certificates to be useful metrics for measuring experience, skill, and competency with Red Hat Linux, and for demonstrating preparedness for professional responsibilities at two critical levels of Red Hat Linux systems administration.
5. The RHCE Certification Lab Exam
The RHCE certificate requires passing the RHCE Certification Lab Exam. The RHCE Certification Lab Exam is composed of two elements: a server install and network services configuration lab (3 hours) and a troubleshooting and maintenance lab (2 1/2 hours). The two performance based parts of the Lab Exam present realistic problems that require planning, diagnosis, and development of complete solutions.
Fair game for the Certification Lab Exam consists of: the prerequisites for RHCE, plus everything covered in the RHCE curriculum and prerequisites. The exam is closed book; no notes.
The RHCT Certification Lab Exam
The RHCT certificate requires passing the RHCT Certification Lab Exam. The RHCT Certification Lab Exam will be composed of two elements: a diagnostics and troubleshooting lab (1 hour), and system install configuration, and attachment to network (2 hours). RHCT is thus entirely performance based, with no multiple choice component. RHCT presents realistic problems that require planning, diagnosis, and development of complete solutions.
Fair game for the Certification Lab Exam consists of: RH033, prerequisites for RH133 including Networking Fundamentals and Internetworking with TCP/IP, plus everything covered in the RH133 curriculum. The exam is closed book; no notes..
6. Certificates
The RHCE and RHCT exams are pass or non-pass. Official notification of PASS or DID NOT PASS is sent via email within 3 business days of the RHCE Exam. Individuals who complete all training elements but do not pass the Exam will receive a Certificate of Achievement. Individuals who complete all training and pass the Certification Lab Exam will receive in addition a Red Hat Certified Technician or Red Hat Certified Engineer certificate. Electronic certificates suitable for printing will be sent with exam results for those who qualify. All certificates list the specific release of Red Hat Linux.
7. Verification and Validity Period
Red Hat provides complete verification of RHCE certification, including version numbers, at Certification Central, so that individuals, their employers and customers can make their own informed decisions based on what version they are actually running and how critical re-certification is for their own requirements.
The validity period for all RHCEs and RHCTs is pegged to the release of the Enterprise product commercially available at the time certification was earned. RHCE and RHCT certifications are considered current until Red Hat retires exams of the release following the version on which your certification was earned. For example, certificates earned on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 will be current until August 31, 2007, the last date on which Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 exams will be offered. Note that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 was released in March, months before the final retirement of the version 4 exams.
To provide further clarification for earlier versions, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 will remain current until Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 exams are retired, several months after the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Certifications earned on Red Hat Linux 8.0 and Red Hat Linux 9 are pegged to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, and hence will nolonger be current after August 31, 2007.
Our information suggests that the RHCE is such a strong certification that RHCEs in continuous practice as professionals are likely to be able to keep their skill levels up in pace with Red Hat Linux technology. Some Red Hat partner programs mandate RHCEs maintain certification on the most recent release.
8. Courses and Certification above RHCE
Persons with RHCE certification or equivalent skills may be interested in part or all of the Enterprise Architect curriculum and the related Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) certification. These five courses provide in-depth, hands-on training for senior Linux system administrators responsible for the deployment and management of many systems in large enterprise environments. RHCA is a capstone certification to RHCE and RHCT, the most recognized, acclaimed, and mature certifications in the Linux space. The full RHCA curriculum consists of four advanced 400-level Enterprise Architect courses and an upper-level security course.
If the market need for other levels or types of certification becomes clear, Red Hat will consider ways to address these.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

सिस्को tips

1. Commands take effect right away.
If you are an experienced Cisco router user, you probably just groaned. However, I find that this concept escapes new users.
As you type commands into the configuration mode, they immediately take effect. For example, if we change the router's name, we see that the very next line contains the new router name:

Router1#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router1(config)#hostname MyRouter
As you can see, we changed the router's name to MyRouter, which was immediately processed. This concept applies to everything in the router's configuration mode.
2. Use all the descriptions you can.
In the router's configuration, there are certain commands that let you document various portions of a configuration. For example, the interface description command, an access-list remark command, or a banner message. All of these commands stay within the router configuration, which helps greatly when you are trying to configure or troubleshoot a router.
Here's an example of a description on an interface:

! Here is an interface description.
! Document as much about the interface as possible
interface Serial0
description Connection To Irvine: Wan ID [23499]
The available banner messages are the message of the day, or MOTD, login, incoming, and exec. Here is an example of the MOTD banner, which is the first message a person sees when connecting to the device:

MyRouter(config)#banner motd #
Enter TEXT message. End with the character '#'.
Welcome to MyRouter.
Some legalese should go here about unauthorized access.
The remark statement in an access-list is a relatively new feature. It first appeared in version 12.0(2)T of the IOS. This handy command allows you to make an entry in your access-list that describes what you are trying to accomplish. The comment can be up to 100 characters in length.

access-list 1 remark Permit our private network through the list
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 remark Just deny everything else
access-list 1 deny any
You might be wondering about commenting a configuration with the "!" symbol.
Yes, you can comment a configuration with a "!" as I have done in the above examples. However, these comments do not stay in the router configuration. They are great when you are working on a configuration offline in a text editor. (Where you plan to upload the configuration to a router.)
However, these "!" comments will get lost when you send the configuration to the router because the router ignores them.
3. The reload command can get you out of a jam.
4. No matter how well you plan an upgrade, you are eventually going to need to change a router configuration remotely. If you make a mistake and can no longer get to the router because of the change you made, you have to make the embarrassing call to someone to go "hit the power." The power cycle takes the router back to the original starting configuration because your change was never saved. In other words, since you lost connection, you couldn't type "copy run start" to save your changes.
5. One of the classic mistakes (I know because I have done it myself a number of times) is to incorrectly update an access-list on an interface when you are connected to the device remotely. And suddenly, the Telnet connection is dropped to the router because of a forgotten list entry that would permit your incoming connection.
6. There is another way. When you are doing something tricky, you can use the following feature of the reload command, which causes the router to reboot in a certain number of minutes. For example, let's tell the router to reboot in three minutes.
8. MyRouter#reload in 3
9. Reload scheduled in 3 minutes
10. Proceed with reload? [confirm]y
11. Now, we have three minutes to do what we need to do. Let's say we are applying an access-list to serial0.
13. MyRouter#config terminal
14. Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
15. MyRouter(config)#interface serial0
16. MyRouter(config-if)#ip access-group 110 in
17. MyRouter(config-if)#^Z
18. MyRouter#
19. We made the change and everything still works. (Well, at least our connection wasn't dropped.) Now all we have to do cancel the impending reload with the following command:
21. MyRouter#reload cancel
22. Or, if our access-list update did destroy our connection to the router, all we need to do is wait three minutes (plus the router's reload time) before the router is back online. After the reload, the router uses the original saved configuration before our access-list change.
23. Don't forget to add either an enable password or an enable secret password.
If you are planning to telnet into your router remotely, you need to add an enable password or enable secret password, or the router will not allow you to go to enable mode. Of course, it goes without saying that adding an enable password is always a good thing.

! Enable service password-encryption if it isn't already.
service password-encryption
! Here is our enable password, which is ok
! but not too secure.
enable password 7 141B171F01012325
! Here is our enable secret, much better.
enable secret 5 $1$99Jc$dxVXUkwMM3Edvj7f0SUrL/
Don't forget that "enable secret" overrides the "enable" password. Just be safe and use the enable secret command. The enable secret uses a better encryption method to encode the password.
24. Stopping the router from trying to telnet.
This is often an annoying problem. Mistype a command and the router thinks you just typed a hostname. For example:

Translating "shwo"...domain server (
% Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer address
Here, we just mistyped the word show. We didn't want to telnet to a device named "shwo." The way to handle this is to change the preferred transport method:

! Console port
line con 0
transport preferred none
! VTY Ports
line vty 0 5
transport preferred none
The output shows the lack of a failed connection based on our mistyped keyword:

% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

cisco certifocation

Cisco Career Certifications
Cisco Career Certifications are IT professional certifications for Cisco products. The tests are administered by Pearson VUE (Prometric previously administered the test; but as of 1 Aug 2007, no longer does). There are three levels of certification: Associate, Professional, and Expert.
Technician certifications
The first stage of Cisco's certification system is the "Associate" level and begins with Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) certification as an interim step to Associate level or directly with CCNA and CCDA certifications. The CCENT covers only basic networking knowledge, and does not get involved with the more technical aspects of the Cisco curriculum. The CCNA Discovery curriculum covers most of what is required to pass this exam.
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Candidates have the option of gaining the certification by passing two tests (ICND1 640-822 and ICND2 640-816), or one single test (CCNA 640-802); the two-test option has the advantage of allowing the candidate to focus on certain subjects. The certification is valid for three years; at that time a CCNA holder must either
• re-take the CCNA or ICND exam, or
• take and pass an exam for one of the Professional (e.g., CCNP) or Specialist level certifications (excluding the sales specialist exams), or pass the CCIE written exam.
These exams are known by their corresponding numbers. When the curriculum of the exam changes the exam number also changes. The current exam number for CCNA is 640-802 (from 15 Aug 2007). The exam number for INTRO is 640-821 (Last day to test 11/6/07) and ICND the exam number is 640-811 (Last day to test 11/6/07). New ICND Part1 (640-822 ICND1) and ICND Part2 (640-816 ICND2) available from 15 Aug 2007. These exams are conducted by authorized test centers at a cost of $125 each for the INTRO or ICND exams and $150for the full CCNA exam.
There is also the Cisco Networking Academy, which brings the CCNA and CCNP curricula into traditional educational institutions in over 150 countries. Students enrolled in Cisco Networking Academy can request exam vouchers that allow them to take the retired exam for an extended period of time.
Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA)
The CCDA certification indicates an apprentice knowledge of Cisco network design. Individuals who have earned a CCDA are capable of designing switched or routed networks consisting of LANs, WANs, and various dial services. While a CCNA certification is not required to take the CCDA exam, Cisco recommends being familiar with CCNA material.
Professional certifications
Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)
The CCNP is considered proof of having the ability to work with medium-sized networks (between 100 and 500 end devices) and with technology such as QoS, broadband, VPNs, and security-minded features. To acquire a CCNP one must possess a CCNA certification first and then pass three or four tests, depending on the path one chooses. The four tests path requires the candidate to pass the following tests:
• 642-901 BSCI: Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI)
• 642-812 BCMSN: Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN) 642-825 ISCW: Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks (ISCW)
• 642-845 ONT: Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks (ONT)
The BSCI and BCMSN tests can be taken as one single composite test known as the 642-892 Composite which covers subjects for Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) and Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN).
In order to retain the certification one must either re-certify or upgrade to a CCIE every three years. Additional resources and tools to aid in preparing for the certification are available on the CCNP Prep Center.
[Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP)
The CCDP certification is an advanced network design certification provided by Cisco Systems, Inc. Candidates for the certification are tested for advanced knowledge of Cisco devices and the way to interconnect them. This certification is considered a professional level certificate by Cisco Systems. (The CCNA and CCDA are prerequisites.)
] Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional (CCIP)
The CCIP certification is a professional certification covering the end-to-end protocols used in large scale networks.
To attain this certification tests must be passed in the areas of routing, BGP, MPLS and Quality of service.
Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP)
The CCSP certification is an advanced network security certification. Candidates for the certification are tested for advanced knowledge of various Cisco security products.
To attain this certification several tests must be passed in the areas of VPN, IDS, PIX firewall, Secure IOS, the Cisco SAFE, as well as having a CCNA or higher level certification (e.g. CCNP or CCIP).
The common practice is to take five exams which include one elective paper. The list of exams and elective papers can be found in the Cisco website.
Cisco Certified Voice Professional (CCVP)
The CCVP is a certification covering all aspects of IP Telephony/VOIP networks and applications.
To attain this certification, five tests must be passed in the areas of Quality of service, Cisco VoIP, IP Telephony Troubleshooting, Cisco IP Telephony, and Gateway Gatekeeper.
To recertify any Professional level certification, pass any 642 exam that is part of the professional level curriculum after August 18, 2006, or pass a current CCIE written exam.
] Expert-level certifications
The expert-level certification is the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE). It is the highest level of professional certification that Cisco provides. There are 5 active CCIE tracks, as shown below. As of November 14, 2007 there are 15,658 people with active CCIE certifications in the world..
Cisco began its CCIE program in 1993 originally with a two day lab, later changing it to the one day format used today. Less than 3% of Cisco certified individuals attain CCIE certification, and on average will spend thousands of dollars and 18 months studying before passing.] Many candidates build mock-labs at home using old Cisco equipment, selling it again to other candidates after passing. Alternatively candidates may rent "rack time" online and practice lab scenarios on Cisco equipment hosted on the Internet for that purpose.
Cisco refers to the CCIE as the "most respected IT certification",and from 2002 to 2005 it was voted as such in CertCities magazine. It has also been voted the most technically advanced IT certification by CertMag, and is generally reported as the highest salaried certification in IT salary surveys.
The CCIE is comprised of a written exam and a "lab" exam (each in the specific area of the chosen track). The written exam is required to take the lab exam, and has a cost of $315 USD per attempt. Upon passing the written exam, the candidate is qualified to have a first attempt the lab exam for 18 months. If the first attempt is unsuccessful the candidate has 3 years from the date the written exam was passed to successfully complete the lab. If a candidate does not pass the CCIE lab in that time, they must pass the CCIE written exam again before making additional attempts at the CCIE lab exam. As many attempts can be made to pass the lab exam for up to 3 years after passing the written, so long as the first attempt is within 18 months. There is a minimum waiting time between attempts of one month.
The CCIE Lab is currently $1,400 USD per attempt and are offered only at ten Cisco lab exam locations worldwide. The locations are Bangalore; Beijing; Brussels; Dubai; Hong Kong; Research Triangle Park, NC; San Jose, CA; São Paulo; Sydney; and Tokyo. In addition, according to a survey by Cisco the average cost to prepare for CCIE certification is $9,050 as of April 2006, spent mostly on practice equipment and self study material This is partially offset by the increased salary the certification commands, which a March 2007 Network World article estimates at 10% - 15% over similarly experienced engineers who do not have a CCIE.
The lab is an 8-hour hands-on exam designed to demonstrate that the candidate not only knows the theory, but is also able to practice it. Many prospective CCIEs need multiple attempts to pass the lab exam.
There are no formal prerequisites for the CCIE exam, but Cisco recommends one has at least 3 - 5 years experience in networking before attempting to become a CCIE. CCIE was the first Cisco Certified qualification, and as such there were no other certifications that could be taken prior. The development of the associate and professional certifications was due to recognition of the fact that a CCIE is overkill for many networking personnel, and also for the vast majority of businesses who employ such people, and that certifications needed to be offered at lower levels. Despite the development of the lower certifications, Cisco has chosen not to make them formal requirements for the CCIE certification.
It is possible to hold multiple CCIE certifications. This is done by passing both the written and the lab exam in a particular track. As of November 14th, 2007 there are 1,344 individuals who hold multiple CCIE certifications. Of those, 210 hold three or more CCIE certifications.
] CCIE Routing & Switching
Routing and Switching is by far the most popular track with 14,329 certified individuals as of November 14th, 2007[20]. The certification covers a variety of networking concepts and protocols including but not limited to the following list [21]:
• Bridging and Switching
o Frame Relay
o Ethernet
o Catalyst Switch Configuration
• IP Interior Gateway Routing Protocols
o Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
o Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
o Routing Information Protocol v2 (RIPv2)
o Routing Information Protocol Next Generation (RIPng) - IPv6
o Open Shortest Path First v3 (OSPFv3) - IPv6
o On-Demand Routing (ODR)
o Filtering, Summarization, Redistribution
• Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
o iBGP
o eBGP
o Filtering, Summarization, Redistribution, and Traffic Engineering
• Multicast Routing
o Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
o Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)
o Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP)
o Anycast
• Quality of Service (QoS)
o Classification
o Congestion Management and Avoidance
o Policing and Shaping
o Signaling
• Security
o Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)
o Traffic Filtering
o IOS Firewall Feature Set
o Access Lists
o Routing Protocol and Catalyst Security
• IP and IOS Features
o IP addressing
o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
o Next Hop Redundancy Protocols (HSRP, VRRP, GLBP)
o IP services
o IOS user interfaces
o System management
o Network Address Translation (NAT)
o Network Time Protocol (NTP)
o Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
o Remote Monitoring (RMON)
o IP Accounting
o Service Level Agreement (SLA)
CCIE Security
The Security track concentrates on network security and covers subjects such as ASA, IDS, IOS security, security and many others.
CCIE Service Provider
The Service Provider track focuses on networking in the service provider industry. Subjects include Optical networks, DSL, WAN switching, Voice over IP, Content Networking, Broadband Cable and Metro Ethernet.
CCIE Voice
The Voice track concentrates on voice solutions for the enterprise and includes subjects such as QoS, MGCP, Call Manager (Cisco's VoIP PBX), Cisco Unity (Cisco's Unified Messaging platform), Unity Express and IP Contact Center Express.
CCIE Storage Networking
The latest addition to the CCIE certification tracks is the CCIE Storage Networking track. As the name suggests, the Storage Networking track concentrates on storage networking topics, such as Fibre Channel, iSCSI, FCIP, Intra VSAN Routing and FICON.
Retired CCIE tracks
Some previously awarded CCIE specialisations are no longer offered, and have been retired by Cisco. These are:
• WAN Switching CCIE (Essentially a specialisation focusing on the IGX/BPX switch products)
• SNA/IP Integration CCIE
• Design CCIE